Carrot & Caulflower Soup

Carrot & Cauliflower Soup

  Right before I head off on a vacation I like to do a quick fridge clean out. I try to use up all the produce that is in my fridge – and that usually ends up becoming a big bowl of soup. This time I had a bag of tri-colored carrots, half a head […]

Tofu Banh Mi

Tofu Banh Mi

I’m officially a San Franciscan. I can no longer stand weather about 75 degrees. I melt. I’m still in Charlotte, North Carolina visiting family and it is HOT! My daughter has also become acclimated to chilly SF summers and screams bloody murder when I try to take her outside. This has led me to being indoors […]

Cabbage Carrot Stir- Fry (Guest Post by The Odd Pantry)

Greetings, readers of the Pretty Polymath! Thank you so much Hetal for thinking up this wonderful idea. For those who have not run into my blog before, my name is Aneela and I blog at The Odd Pantry. I write about food with a focus on regional Indian; I frequently wander off into cultural or […]