D.I.Y Travel Shadow Box


I am in the midst of decorating my home and decided to check out Pinterest. It’s always choc-full of ideas. I found this cute travel box shadow frame craft idea, but noticed that the article from Designaglow suggests that you buy a $40.00 Alphabet frame program for Photoshop in order to make it. I love scrap-booking and I think this is a wonderful way to display my work, but I didn’t feel like spending any money on a program I would most likely use once.

I bought my shadow box frames from Ikea for $9.99. I actually used good old Microsoft Office for my version! Here are the steps:

1.  Click on the Word Art tab in the Insert tab. Choose Word Art Style 1

2.  Type in the first letter and change the font to whatever you like. I used Arial Black. Click on OK.

3. Now double click on the letter and make it as big or small as you want. In order to put the picture into the letter, click on the Format tab and then click on the Shape Fill button. Select the Picture button and choose your picture.

4. Next, copy and paste your letter next to the one you just created and use the Edit text button in the Format tab to update the letter to the next letter in your word.  Update the Shape Fill of this letter to your next picture. Continue to do this until you have you entire word. Print and and create your collage using pictures, money, ticket stubs, etc.

Tip: To make sure all your letter are the same height use the Size section in the Format tab and update each letter to have the same height. 

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